Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Start of a new series

This is one of several in a new series I'm trying out. I'll elaborate more on the series as I develop more ideas and post them here, but suffice it to say there will be cats. I also have plans to integrate Japanese subject matter, and sometimes there will be Japanese subject matter without cats, but that all too will become more apparent over time. This drawing is based on a quick sketch I'd done months ago of a melancholic man in a chair, being swarmed by cats. I have been this guy, but the deeper meaning of what's going on is still unknown even to me. My aim in this series is to develop a personal body of work in which the narrative will follow from the imagery, rather than the other way around. Hopefully I can elaborate more on that over time as well.

If you're following along, thanks. If too much time goes by between updates, email me to jog the blog machinery back into action. It'll keep me on task.

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